
During our services we pray for our community. If you have any particular matter you’d like us to pray for please drop an email, use the prayer request box in church, call the Parish Office or ask the Rector or one of the Churchwardens.

If praying does not come effortlessly for you, try these tips for making your prayer life more focused and effective:

  • Choose a specific place to pray away from distractions so you can concentrate.
  • Pray at the same time every day, if at all possible. Make it part of your regular routine and it will become habit. 
  • Pray out loud. When we pray out loud we have to form intelligent sentences. We have to concentrate more on what we’re praying about.
  • Keep a Prayer Journal handy so you can jot down different feelings and thoughts that come to mind whilst you’re before the Lord.  You could even try writing your own prayers in your Journal!
  • Keep track of your prayer needs in your Prayer Journal.
  • Try adding variety to your prayer time by including praise, thanksgiving and singing.
  • Pray with someone else. 

The Church of England has produced a booklet of prayers to use during the Coronavirus Outbreak.
Click on the image below to download.

Printed copies are also available to order here.

The “Daily Prayer” app for your mobile phone provides you with the liturgies for each day which will enable you to join with Reverend Simon in his morning and evening prayers.
Simply go to your App Store on your mobile phone, search for “Daily Prayer” and install.

The “Pray to Go” app for your mobile phone allows you to carry your prayers with you wherever you are.

Click on the image below to visit their website, or simply go to your App Store on your mobile phone, search for “Pray To Go” and install.